CRUD Reviews

We obviously invested our $39 in XCRUD because we found some features which we thought set it apart. Click here for the article – What sets XCRUD apart. However, there was a great deal of feature research and market analysis behind that – which I thought may be useful to share.

E-Business Evolution

We had been developing e-business solutions since the late 90s and had settled on Coldfusion as the goto solution development platform which fulfilled our needs for the early part of the 21st century. Coldfusion was a server level system which was a little complex to integrate, but once setup it provided a way to Create, Read, Update & Delete records from our MySQL databases using the Coldfusion Markup Language – CFML using its tags which were embedded directly within the web pages, which was very effective.

Continued Focus on – Process Optimisation

Fast forward to today – and the e-business market has changed dramatically and most of the bespoke solutions we developed are now standard features within CRM Systems such as Salesforce or Financial Management Systems such as Quickbooks. However, even in todays Post COVID World there is still a booming demand for bespoke e-business solutions, but with a focus on process optimisation.

Getting more for Less

As technology advances and new types of businesses evolve,  remote working and e-business systems really come into focus as companies look for ways to get more for less and will never consider telephone calls in business processes when web forms with structured data input will do the job for much less. These principles create our target market.

CRUD for WordPress

Most of the process optimisation work we undertake today is on already established websites, adding  processes or extending workflows into the clients customers space, or even the public domain.

The vast majority of the Internet runs of WordPress – so we concluded we needed a platform which  enables the swiftest route to implementing a process creation/optimisation solution. PHP is the industry standard and also the native language of the wordpress codebase, and hence a logical choice for solution development. However, there are security risks associated with form data processing and the time taken to create solutions can run away. For these reasons we started looking for database abstraction tools and very quickly came across CRUD/frameworks.

Buying Decision Strategy

Before we start comparing features, I ran a few searches on Envato Market. Filtering Database Abstraction and searching for CRUD articulates some interesting summary listing information such as review ratings and number of sales. Here is todays listing for us to run through:

PHP CRUD Generator

PHP Crud Generator

PHP CRUD Generator

Rating – 4.81

Reviews – Mixed

Sales on 22 June 2021 – 922

Price: $40 – June 2021 Sale Price: thanks $22 

Description: –

Created with the most trusted web technologies, PHP CRUD Generator is a powerful and intuitive solution to create Bootstrap 4 admin dashboards.

The one-page visual interface gives full access to the database.

PHPCG performs an in-depth analysis of your data and stores it: all types of relationships between tables, primary and foreign keys, field types and values, validation, etc.

This intelligent analysis is used to preconfigure the options adapted to each element of the administration panel.

Validate each of the 3 generator forms to create your Admin Panel content.


I get the impression from the sales numbers and comments that the author is actively engaging with his community to hone this product from the purchaser feedback which is good and use-ability will improve as the design matures to meet the needs of the community. At the time we looked at this – we had XCRUD in mind and were not swayed yet.

PDO CRUD - Advanced Data Management


PDO CRUD – Adavanced Data Management

Rating – 4.61

Reviews – Mixed

Sales on 22 June 2021 – 1789

Price: $40 – June 2021 Sale Price: thanks $28

Description: –

PDOCrud is an advance PHP based CRUD application.

It supports Mysql, Pgsql and Sqlite database. You can use PDOCrud to generate both frontend and backend of your application. By writing just 2-3 lines of code only, you can perform insert/update/delete and select operation.

You just to need to create object and call for render function for that table and everything will be generated automatically. Form fields will be generated based on the data type. You can remove fields, change type of fields and can do various types of customization.


This looks to be the PDO equivalent of XCRUD 1.6, but when we looked at this it certainly did not appear to have the same level of table display control as XCRUD so even though XCRUD 1.6 was unsupported by the author at that time, this did not sway us.

XCRUD v1.6 - Advanced Data Management

XCRUD – Adavanced Data Management

Rating – 4.71

Reviews – Mixed

Sales on 22 June 2021 – 4731

Price: $13

Description: –

xCRUD – is a simple-usage but powerfull Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) generator application for PHP and MySQL. The application offers you many ways to work with your data and scaffolding, while remaining very easy to use even for non-programmers. Content management becomes simple and flexible, hours of saved time, minutes to implement. You can use it as plain php library or with your favourite framework and cms.


We liked XCRUD 1.6 due to the more advanced data table display functions than the competition at that time. Reviews were mixed purely because the author – F0ska discontinued development and support of the product. Development now continues and from version 1.7 there are additional fixes and features such as Tabulator and Parsley data validation which taken conjointly with the table display features which already set XCRUD apart – this is still the best database abstraction application for integrating with WordPress in our view. Version 1.7 is not available from Envato – Codecanyon but can be purchased direct from

Laravel Multi Purpose Application - CRUD - CMS - Sximo 6

Laravel Multi Purpose Application – CRUD – CMS – Sximo 6

Rating – 4.14

Reviews – Mixed

Sales on 22 June 2021 – 1915

Price: $28

Description: –

Complete platform for building App Webs (yes app webs). Features Laravel CRUD, CMS, Admin and Generator. Backend + Front End + REST API as Standalone SERVICES. Quick prototyping of your application in minutes.


As you would expect in the top 4 sellers, this offering certainly has a flavour of Laravel. Having clocked up almost 2000 sales when we looked, the author may well have key technical strengths. However, slow bug fixes and lack of support are at the forefront of the rating comments. So whilst the very comprehensive feature list is impressive – I think the author may not have considered the in-service workload whilst still ironing out the bugs. F0ska certainly supported XCRUD Version 1.6 whilst in development and in our view it was a relatively stable release before he discontinued support.

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